Established in 1938
The Greentown Volunteer Fire Department is a premier provider of emergency services in Lake Township – protecting residents and businesses in our primary response area. Greentown also provides mutual aid for the surrounding areas.
We are a combination fire & EMS non-profit organization, with 24 hour a day 7 day a week staffing.
The Greentown Volunteer Fire Department is a premier provider of emergency services in Lake Township – protecting residents and businesses in our primary response area. Greentown also provides mutual aid for the surrounding areas.
We are a combination fire & EMS non-profit organization, with 24-hour a day 7-day week staffing.
Part-Time Personnel staff the station 24 hours every day, individually working up to thirty-six hours per week. We strive for a minimum of four firefighters on duty at all times.
Volunteer Personnel are paid on an hourly basis during incidents. To remain in good standing,
- Volunteers living within the area must provide 24 hours per month in which they can be expected to respond to calls, whether from their homes or while staying at the station.
- Volunteers who reside out of the area must provide 24 hours at the station each month.